Ask a Sister

Ask a Sister is a collection of short videos where members of the Haus cover a queer topic with the aims of helping to educate people or share our opinions on the issues.  These are released interspersed with Pure Nunsese on Youtube each week and can be viewed on the Utter Nunsense channel.

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  • Why should you care about pronouns?
    • 17/04/2024

    Why should you care about pronouns?

    In this video, Sister Alaska dives into the importance of pronouns and why they matter more than you might think.

    Whether it's she/her, he/him, or they/them, using the right pronouns is about respecting someone's identity and validating their sense of self.

    Join us as we explore how pronouns create a safer and more inclusive environment, and why it's crucial to listen and learn when someone corrects you.

  • Is 'CIS' a slur?
    • 22/05/2024

    Is 'CIS' a slur?

    Join Sister Alaska as she dives into the debate around the word "cis" – is it a slur or a neutral descriptor? 🤔 Discover the origins of the term, its importance in discussions about gender identity, and why it's not something to be feared.💖

  • Why are intersex people classed as LGBTQ?
    • 07/02/2024

    Why are intersex people classed as LGBTQ?

    Today, we're exploring the significance of including intersex individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community. Join us as we discuss the importance of understanding diverse experiences and fostering a united and inclusive space for all. 🏳️‍🌈✨

    🌐 Discover the reasons behind why intersex people are an integral part of the LGBTQIA+ family, and how embracing diversity enriches our shared journey. 🤝🌍

  • Are gendered toys bad?
    • 09/08/2023

    Are gendered toys bad?

    Enter any toy department and you're likely to see aisles divided into pink and dolls vs blue and trucks. But is it time to question they way we gender children's toys?