The Black Veil is an award winning documentary that focuses on Sister Babeushka as she sought to achieve her black veil while also exploring the idea of identifying as non-binary. In terms of a covid-19 lockdown project, this seemed to be better than going on a baking spree! It felt like an important piece of work to be involved in for Babeushka’s activism, since it allowed them to speak about their experiences as a non-binary person to hopefully help educate the general public while also letting other people who don’t confirm to the gender binary that they are not alone and that it does get better in life! It is super humbling to think that this film has been around the world and connecting with people so much that it even won an award!
Babeushka extends their unending love and gratitude to everyone that funded this project, worked on it in any way, or helped share this with wider audiences. Babeushka gives a special thanks to Ling Lee who was such a pleasure to work with in our own little bubble during the pandemic, and who so expertly crafted this piece of work! Sometimesa creative partnership just works, and this was definately one of those experiences!
Shown at part of Scottish Queer International Film Festival 2021
Shown as part of Image+Nation 2022 and won Best Short Documentary!
Shown as part of San Francisco Documentary Festival 2022
Shown as part of Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2022
Bradley (them / they) has recently joined The Order of Perpetual Indulgence – an LGBTQ+ protest group who use religious imagery, the art of drag, and performance to call attention to sexual intolerance. The group has provided Bradley with a supportive community and a social purpose. As someone who has struggled with their own gender identity for years, Bradley now identifies as non-binary, neither male or female – but is aware that this identity is not fully recognised by wider society or the state. Bradley now has two events approaching: their wedding to long-term partner, Emma, and their ordination as ‘Black Veil’ – the highest level within The Order of Perpetual Indulgence. Will these two events give Bradley the confidence to step out into the world as the authentic version of themself?
The Black Veil originally aired 3rd August 2021 on BBC Scotland. Since it’s release it has also shown at a variety of film festivals and even won an award for Best Documentary!
Watch full film on BBC iPlayer now by clicking here or searching it under the Right Here series. Please note that if you live outside of the UK, you will need a VPN to access the programme.
There is also an article that accompanies the documentary that can be accessed here.
This documentary is part of the Right Here talent initiative that is run in association with Screen Scotland and the BBC. It offers Scotland-based filmmakers a unique opportunity to create a 30-minute creative documentary for broadcast on TV.
Credits and Links
Dir: Ling Lee, Producer: Noé Mendelle, Editor: Ling Lee, Camera: Ling Lee, Additional Camera: Troy Edige, Patrick Steel, Sound Recordists: Bartek Baranowski, Sound Designer & Dubbin Mixer & Composer: Tom Drew , Vocalist: Cliona Cassidy, Production Manager: Naomi Spiro, Production Co-ordinator: Rachel Stollery, Production Intern: Ivy Pottinger-Glass, Stills Photography: Ling Lee, Exec Producer for Screen Scotland: Leslie Finlay, Exec Producer for BBC SCOTLAND: Tony Nellany & Louise Thornton
Production Company: Scottish Documentary Institute
Director and Editor: Ling Lee
Facebook Page for the film: https://www.facebook.com/theblackveilfilm