The people that make up Haus of Nunsense

Below is a list of all the fabulosa people who make up the Haus of Nunsense. They are mainly scattered around Edinburgh, with most residing all over bonnie old Scotland with at least one being slightly further afield.

  • Alaska Lott

    Fully Professed Sister & Founder

    Pronouns: Please use them ALL! :)

    Joined: September 2018

    Known for: TikTok creator, 2024 Proud Scotland Awards finalist, & serving face

    Mentor: N/A

    Children: Squire PaigeThree WithConsent, Postulant Hera Ditary, Novice Mairi Me, Novice Brother Frank Lee McDear

    Link: Find me online here

  • Babeushka

    Fully Professed Sister & Founder

    Pronouns: They/Them

    Joined: September 2018

    Known for: Snappy slogans all over their face

    Mentor: N/A

    Children: Squire ReadyTeddyGo

    Link: Find me online here

  • Ella Mental

    Fully Professed Sister

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Joined: October 2020

    Known for: “Momma Bear” - a force of nature and a force of nurture

    Mentor: N/A

    Children: N/A

    Link: TBC

  • Ann Tici...Pation

    Fully Professed Sister

    Pronouns: They/Them

    Joined: September 2010

    Known for: Starting missions, teaching love, writing ceremony, getting about the place, throwing shapes.

    Mentor: Sister Pronuptia of the splattered veil MIA

    Children: Big breath...........mother sadie of massive chasm, novice niche whimsie, Sister sauchie ball street, novice lotta , noivce brother dusty tongues, sister Penny wise , suster gloria Snockers, Brother Huw jorgan , sister linda hand , sister joy gasm , postulant joy incarnate, sister lecure de algarve tequilana , novice pammy taville, Postulant Inya Face

    Link: Find me online here

  • Sauchie-Ball Street

    Fully Professed Sister

    Pronouns: She/They

    Joined: August 2019

    Known for: Being a loud voice, doing blessings in weegie/slang, multiple years as chairnun in glasgow, gathering waifs n gays, and making a family wherever I go (so I'm told)

    Mentor: Sister Ann Tici…Pation

    Children: Nv Mungo Fkyourself

    Link: N/A

  • Frank Lee McDear

    Novice Brother

    Pronouns: They/Them

    Joined: April 2017

    Known for: Veil work to rival Beyoncé, wings sharp enough to cut a b*tch, and kindness soft enough to stitch ‘em back together.

    Mentor: Sister Alaska Lott

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Wye Dangle

    Novice Sister

    Pronouns: She/He/They

    Joined: August 2017

    Known for: Pink habit

    Mentor: N/A

    Children: N/A

    Link: Find me online here

  • Accessie Bility

    Novice Sister

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Joined: May 2020

    Known for: ACC User

    Mentor: Novice Brother Seffan Wolf

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Ali GAYtor

    Novice Sister

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Joined: June 2022

    Known for: TBC

    Mentor: Sister Ann Tici…Pation

    Children: N/A

    Link: Find me online here.

  • Mairi Me

    Novice Sister

    Pronouns: She/Her

    Joined: December 2023

    Known for: Being openly trans, having a great sense of humour, empathy and being outgoing. Oh, and if you count fundraising for Sparkle in manifest...busking :D

    Mentor: Sister Alaska Lott

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Lotta

    Novice Sister

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Joined: October 2015

    Known for: Mischievous. Young. Well travelled. Friendly. Likes to Party…. all have been used.

    Mentor: Sister Ann Tici…Pation

    Children: N/A

    Link: Fine me online here

  • Hera Ditary

    Postulant Sister

    Pronouns: She/They

    Joined: February 2024

    Known for: Loves to make people smile and laugh

    Mentor: Sister Alaska Lott

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Inya Face

    Postulant Sister

    Pronouns: They/Them

    Joined: 23/09/2024

    Known for: Being super friendly and silly

    Mentor: Sister Ann Tici…Pation

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Slagatha Harkness/Barney Rubber

    Postulant Sister/Novice Guard

    Pronouns: He/She/They

    Joined: October 2019

    Known for: Being a Witch, Protecting the Coven, spreading love and destroying evil.

    Mentor: TBC

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • ReadyTeddyGo


    Pronouns: He/Him

    Joined: July 2020

    Known for: protective stewarding skills

    Mentor: Sister Babeushka

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • PaigeThree withConsent


    Pronouns: She/Her


    Known for: Incredible artistic skills

    Mentor: Sister Alaska Lott

    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Barbiella


    Pronouns: She/Her

    February 2024

    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Sasha


    Pronouns: She/Her

    March 2024

    Known for:



    Link: N/A

  • Disney Kissntell




    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Sissor Me




    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Inna Gutter




    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Soapy Bubbles




    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Connie Finn Dense




    Known for:


    Children: N/A

    Link: N/A

  • Sister Iva Storrie


    A relation of Sister Joan who likes to make the occasional appearance and read everyone to filth.

  • Sister Joan of Art


    The silent but deadly mascot of the Haus, I can often be spotted throwing shade and glitter at Sister events in equal measure.

    Perhaps the most travelled Sister of the Haus, if you want to find me online, check out my Twitter or Instagram where you can see what kind of adventures I get up to on travels.